Show me the money... SHOW me the MONEY
Well he's finally set a date to go - my Brother's Birthday as it happens.All that's left for him to do is to pick up his Congressional Medal of Honour (the proud American servicemen who have died valiantly to earn that medal with their blood and self-sacrifice must be turning in their graves), and then hit the US lecture circuit.
Bet we don't see too much of his earnings going to relieve the poor and needy, or to help out the 1 Million British kids still living in poverty after his 10 years of misrule. I guess he'll need the endless wonga to keep him and his grasping wife from being bankrupted by their 5 Million-plus mortgage.
Perhaps he can join Prezza on a ranch somewhere in Texas. Anything that keeps those two out of the UK would have my full support. I'd even cough up a contribution to make it happen - his taxes have bled me dry already so he may as well have my shirt too.
Actually, now that he's not so wrapped up in being an MP and PM, perhaps he'll have the time to pop down to his local TA Centre. Last I heard, he'd still be eligible to join at his age.
He can put his money (or preferably life) where his mouth has been, and take a more 'active' role in the war against terror. He'd even have a choice of posting - Basrah or Hellmand Province.
Any bets on that happening either?